Kiyoka’s Coaching

healing from emotional​ eating

Hi, I'm Kiyoka!​

As a holistic wellness coach, I'm passionate about ​guiding women to restore balance and thrive in all ​aspects of their lives. Drawing from my own personal ​journey, I specialize in emotional well-being and helping ​women overcome emotional eating. If you're seeking ​support in these areas, I'm here to help you on your path ​to wellness.

What I Do

Bouquet with Notebook and Tea

Re​lease + Renew

I help women let go of old belief ​systems and negative patterns, and ​replace them with empowering ​beliefs, allowing them to live more ​fully and authentically.

Palo Santo and Healing Crystals.


As an experienced energy healer, I he​lp clear energetic blockages in the body​, restoring balance and the natu​ral flow of life force energy.

Hand in Heart


I offer practical healing tools, ​integrating yogic and Ayurvedic ​wisdom, to help individuals align with ​their true nature. This approach ​empowers them to uncover truth, ​embrace love, and harness their inner ​healing power.

What the Coaching Program Entails

Intention Setting: Begin with setting clear intentions to align your ​energy and focus with your desired outcomes.

2 Monthly Coaching Calls: Engage in personalized coaching sessions ​tailored to guide you through your transformational journey.

In these sessions, we will focus on:

  • Deepening Self-Love: Cultivate a profound connection with yourself ​and foster self-compassion.

  • Understanding Emotional Eating: Gain insights into the mechanisms of ​emotional eating.

  • Letting Go of Negative Emotions: Release emotional blocks and build ​resilience to stress.

  • Updating Your Belief System: Transform outdated beliefs to align with ​your new truth and reality.

  • Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Diet Suggestions: Learn ancient wisdom to ​bring balance to your daily life and enhance well-being.

  • Building Positive Habits: Develop personalized rituals that support ​your healing journey, enhance overall well-being, and lead to ​lasting change.


  • Monthly Energy Healing Session: Enjoy a monthly energy healing ​session to support your emotional and physical well-being.

  • Email Support: Receive ongoing email support for additional guidance ​and encouragement between sessions.

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work with me



During the session, I was surprised at the almost instant ​feeling of peace. It allowed me to let go, be with my ​breath, and in my body. By the end, I felt such a restorative ​energy. I am truly grateful for the session. I highly ​recommend to anyone that may be in need of resetting ​their nervous system or even just a moment of peace and ​healing.


It felt deeply regenerative. I felt like I was dropped

deep into myself. The pain in my back is not present,

and I feel more emotionally grounded, supported,

present as my higher Self, or an awareness of this

Self. I have been talking about the fact that, "you

can't pour from an empty cup" and tonight I feel like

my cup has been deeply filled.


Tears started coming out of my eyes & had this

feeling of relief taking over my body. My mind was

clear without any thoughts intruding. Great session!

Thank you!

Let's connect &

he​al together




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